Kari Holsapple
Area Representative

Kari Holsapple
Jasper County, Crawford County, Clay County,
Dietrich, Effngham and Teutopolis School Districts
My relationship with Jesus began while I was a High School student athlete. While we didn’t have FCA at our school I was very blessed to have had Godly basketball coaches, who truly invested in our lives. They exemplified everything about an FCA coach that I see today. I’m so thankful that while coaching us basketball, they also lead us to Jesus. I don’t want to picture my life without that season in it, because their impact has truly changed my life.
Since my High School basketball days, Jesus and athletics have always remained a part of my life. I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to play basketball at Lincoln Christian while pursuing a Youth Ministry degree. Following that season, I was blessed to serve for about 12 years as a youth pastor at a couple different churches.
Since FCA is such an awesome ministry opportunity that combines two things I'm super passionate about, both Jesus and athletics, while I was serving as a youth pastor, we prayerfully added FCA to our local schools. It was awesome to be a part of getting those programs up and going. I love the role that FCA plays in reaching people for the Kingdom.
I absolutely love the unique opportunity that FCA provides in reaching coaches and athletes for the Kingdom. When a coach is on fire for the Gospel, they can’t help but for that to overflow into their lives as they lead, and coach athletes. In turn, their athletes come to know Jesus. Then the ripple effect takes place and before long, you’ll have other students, athletes, teachers, and coaches all striving to live for Jesus. Schools, families, communities, etc. will be transformed for the Kingdom. It is amazing to see all the ways God can and will work through his people. FCA targets the coach first because they see the value in the influence they have. However, FCA isn’t just limited to coaches and athletes. It’s more about the Kingdom than the role you serve. We long to see lives transformed for the Gospel.
Devin and I have been married for three years. I’m so thankful God has allowed me to be Krew’s “MaMa,” bonus mom to Bailey, Cagney, and Chloe, and to be Maggie’s, our golden retrievers’, most favorite person.
“He must become greater; I must become less.”