by Shannon Caughey
When describing why an athlete is successful, coaches will sometimes refer to the “high IQ” of this athlete regarding their sport. Saying “she has a high volleyball IQ” means more than the athlete possesses a great deal of information about volleyball. It communicates that this athlete understands how to best apply the information she has about volleyball moment-by-moment as she’s playing, enabling her to do the right thing in the right way at the right time. Her coach might also say of her, “She really knows volleyball.”
To live a godly life and be a godly coach requires a similar type of knowledge. In this series of devotions, we’re looking to the instructions given in 2 Peter 1:3-7 on how to grow in godliness. Quick review: In The Practice of Godliness, Jerry Bridges defines godliness as “devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to him.” 2 Peter 1:3 says that through our faith relationship with Christ, “God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.” But we aren’t passive participants in the growth-in-godliness process. We are active partners with the work God is doing. In vv. 5-7, Peter instructs us to “make every effort to respond to God’s promises” by supplementing our faith with several qualities needed for a life pleasing to him.
2 Peter 1:5 says, “Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge.” We considered “moral excellence” in our last devotion, so we now turn to “knowledge.” More than merely information, what Peter means is that we need to have an increasing “godliness IQ.” We need to know God and his good design for us, and we need to understand how to best live this out situation by situation. The knowledge Peter is referring to is foundational to being able to do the right thing in the right way at the right time.
If your desire is to grow in godliness—as a coach and in all areas—supplement your faith with this needed knowledge. How? First, dig deeper into God’s Word. God makes himself and his heart for you known through the Bible, showing you what it looks like to trust and follow Jesus. Before you can act with godliness in that tricky coaching situation or speak in a godly way to that difficult athlete or parent, you first need to understand the Lord’s character and will. You need to understand how to access the strength and grace he gives as you walk closely with him. This happens through consistent, intentional time spent digging into God’s Word—individually, with others, and through sitting under biblical teaching in your church. The increasing knowledge needed for growth in godliness requires committed study of God’s Word.
Second, gain knowledge by discerning what God is teaching you through life experiences. In Job 12:12, Job observes that “wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old”—meaning, those with lots of life experiences. Wisdom is understanding practically how to live according to God’s design in everyday situations. This doesn’t magically come with age, but it can be fostered by looking for what the Lord is showing you through different experiences—whether those experiences are good, hard, regrettable, unexpected, or anything else. For example, maybe in the heat of competition you lose your cool and say or do things that dishonor Christ. As you repent of your sin afterwards, ask God to teach you through what happened: “Lord, show me what changes you desire in my life. Am I making competitive success an idol? Does my attitude need adjusting? Do I need to surrender more fully to your reign over all, including coaching, because I’ve been trying to hold onto control?” As you take time to discern the lessons God is bringing to your attention, you gain the knowledge needed to better live according to his design moving forward.
Godliness requires knowledge: knowing how to do the right thing in the right way at the right time. This knowledge grows out of being devoted to God and his Word, as well as humbly listening to what the Lord is teaching through life experiences. Make every effort to supplement your faith with knowledge, developing your “godliness IQ.” Then you will coach and live in ways that please the Lord.
For reflection: What next steps do you need to take to dig deeper into God’s Word and to listen to what God is teaching you through your life experiences? Commit to making every effort to implement these steps so that you can grow in the knowledge needed for godliness. Thank God that he gives you everything you need for living a godly life.
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