Game plan for prayer: seek guidance and power

August 20, 2024
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by Shannon Caughey

This world can be a dark place. There is certainly plenty of darkness in the sports world. More than just tolerated, sin is frequently promoted in the culture of athletics. Self-centeredness, greed, arrogance, a lack of integrity, impurity—these sins and others are seen as “just the way sports are” by many. Some coaches and athletes are rewarded rather than disciplined when they practice these sins. As someone who desires to coach and live for Christ, how do you resist the pressure to engage in attitudes and behaviors that are contrary to God’s design for you?

Prayer is a crucial part of this equation. More specifically, it’s important to put into practice Jesus’ game plan for prayer. In this series of devotions, we’re looking at the prayer framework Jesus gives us in Matthew 6:9-13. We’ve seen that Jesus teaches us to worship our Heavenly Father (“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”), submit to God’s rule (“your kingdom come, your will be done”), express our dependence upon him (“Give us today our daily bread”), and address the sin in our life (“Forgive us our debts”). Now we consider the final part of this prayer (v. 13): “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Jesus knows that we regularly encounter pressures in this world to sin. That’s why he directs us to consistently pray what he teaches us in Matt. 6:13. It’s a prayer seeking God’s guidance and empowering to follow him in every situation, knowing that we face temptations to go down paths that dishonor him.

On our own, we are unlikely to be successful in resisting the pressure to adopt attitudes and behaviors that are contrary to God’s design. When all around us people are embracing sin and encouraging us to do the same, it can be hard not to give in. When coaches who engage in sinful practices seem to be getting ahead, the temptation to do so ourselves is strong.

This prayer recognizes we need God to stand against the darkness. It expresses our dependence upon him, reminding us that we are not on our own. James 1:13 assures us that “God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.” When we ask God to “lead us not into temptation,” it’s a request that he would guide us away from situations in which the temptation to sin might be especially intense for us. We’re asking for him to give us the wisdom and conviction needed to stay out of settings that we might think we can handle, when in truth we can’t.

When we pray “deliver us from the evil one,” we recognize the very real spiritual battle in which we live and coach day by day. As 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” We need the Lord and his deliverance from the destructive efforts of the evil one. And we can be fully confident of God’s power as we look to him. He enables us to stand firm against the enemy’s efforts and protect us from the enemy’s schemes. 1 John 4:4 gives this assurance: “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

You will face temptations to sin rather than choosing what honors Christ, Coach. The pressure to go down paths contrary to God’s good design for you will continue to be there. You can count on the enemy’s ongoing attempts to derail you. But your faith is in the One who is greater than all and who dearly loves you as his child. Implement Jesus’ game plan for prayer and consistently seek God’s guidance and empowering to follow him in every situation. Trust God to answer as you express your dependence upon him in the face of the world’s darkness.

For reflection: Consider where the temptation to sin is prevalent in your life. Share this with your Heavenly Father, asking him to guide and empower you so that you will not give into temptation. Thank the Lord for his love and protection.



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