by Shannon Caughey
It’s tempting to live with a “scarcity mindset.” When we do so, we think that the resources we need are scarce and hard to come by. We focus on what we don’t have – or what we don’t have enough of. Coaches with a scarcity mindset adopt the perspective that the financial budget for their program is inadequate, or they don’t have enough good athletes, or they’re short some other resource that they need to be truly successful.
When we live and coach with a scarcity mindset, we wonder if we really have what we need to do what we believe we’re called to do. We wonder how we’re going to make it when the struggles are especially intense. We wonder if we’ll receive what we need to be filled back up as we’re continually giving so much of ourselves to others. With a scarcity mindset, it’s tempting to give into disillusionment and discouragement.
Most of us encounter this temptation at various times. When this happens, we need to look to the encouragement found in God’s Word. As we’ve discussed in the last couple of devotions, to encourage is to “put courage in.” In the Bible, God gives us promises that “put courage in” us – including when we’re faced with disillusionment and discouragement. We’re already seen that the Lord promises he is present with us and he loves us with an unfailing love. Here’s another key promise we find in Scripture: God provides what we need.
Listen to how 2 Peter 1:3 articulates this promise: “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” God is not stingy with his provision. He doesn’t give us “some things” or even “most things.” Through his unlimited and unrivaled power, God provides for us “everything we need” to live according to his good and perfect design.
God’s provision includes: rescue from what we deserve for our sinful rebellion against him, his Spirit to dwell within us, the wisdom to know how to follow him in specific situations, the power and grace to actually do what he calls us to do, a community of people – his church – to lock arms with in this journey of faith… Ultimately, what God provides is himself through his Son, Jesus Christ.
How do we experience God’s abundant provision? Through “coming to know him” – entering into and living for all eternity in the relationship with God he makes possible through Christ. We do so through recognizing our desperate need for Jesus and surrendering in faith to him. When we do so, we go from a place of spiritual scarcity – in reality, spiritual bankruptcy – to having everything we need in Christ.
When you trust and follow Jesus, you no longer need to adopt a scarcity mindset. God provides all you need to live and coach for him. He gives you everything required to be who he’s called you to be and do what he’s directing you to do. God provides what you need to persevere and honor him in the midst of struggles. He fills you with his presence, power, and grace so that you can pour out yourself for the benefit of others. He is the God of abundant provision according to his perfect knowledge of what you need to pursue godliness.
Be encouraged, Coach. God provides everything you need.
For reflection: In what ways are you tempted to live and coach with a scarcity mindset? Ask the Lord to enable you to resist this temptation and to instead trust his provision. Thank him for his promise to give you everything you need for living a godly life.
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